About Support

I finally get to go! I am so excited to share with you about the opportunity God has given me to serve overseas. I just graduated with my Architectural Engineering degree in December 2012. I am writing to tell you about my next adventure.


For at least three years, I have been praying one thing: Lord, please let me go serve! Since my first mission trip at age 14, the Lord stirred my heart toward missions. 
This is part of my team on my first construction mission trip to Chihuahua, Mexico in 2004.

He confused me when college led me to an engineering degree. I did not understand how I could ever be both a missionary and an engineer. One day during my sophomore year, I happened upon a webpage: EMI’s webpage. (emiusa.org) Engineering Ministries International (EMI) is a nonprofit organization that provides architectural and engineering design and construction management services to worthy ministries worldwide as an avenue to spread the Gospel. While reading through their website, I cried as I realized I was not the only mission-hearted engineer.  I realized, not for the first time, that Christ has bigger plans for my life than I can create on my own. I finally believed the Lord could use my engineering classes, internships, and experiences in the mission field.


Starting in January to July 2013, I will be serving with EMI in Uganda as a construction management intern. EMI has worked on projects from orphanages, hospitals, churches and missionary housing to water supply and filtration efforts. In their 30 years, they have completed over 1000 projects in more than 90 countries. I will likely be involved in a variety of projects during my six months in Uganda.


This is a big adventure, and I need a lot of help to make it happen. Please join me in prayer as I embark on this journey. If you would like to become one of my prayer partners, you can stay updated on my adventure through this blog! (anengineerinuganda.blogspot.com)


I also need financial support. EMI donates their services. To make this happen, all of the staff and interns raise their own salaries. My six month internship will cost $9,000-$10,000 depending on airfare. I ask you to pray about becoming one of my financial partners. I need to raise all of my support by December 20th. If you feel led to give, please note that donations to EMI are tax-deductible! Here are two ways you can fund this kingdom opportunity:
• Online: https://emisecure.org/donate.html
           > "Donate Now"
              > "Give Now" or Create an account (to track donations)
              > Select "Interns"
              > Select "Forbes, Samantha 2995"
 • Mail:  EMI
                    130 E. Kiowa St. Suite 200
                    Colorado Springs, CO 80903
           -Please make sure to include the Intern Commitment Card provided on the website!


I am so ready to see what the Lord has for me in Uganda next year, and look forward to sharing it with you. Thank you in advance for all of your prayer and support! Let's go live this next adventure!

In His Great Name,
Samantha Forbes
A friend and I at KU’s May graduation, 2012. I "walked the hill" a semester early since I won’t be around for the May 2013 ceremony!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh! sammy! i'm excited for two things. 1. you get to serve in uganda! so wonderful! 2. you have a blog! i can't wait to follow along with you on your journey! :)
