Quite a few things have happened since my last post! I have now...
graduated college (FINALLY!),
turned the big scary 23,
seen my nephew turn 6 months old (so fun!),
spent time with great family and friends over break,
raised all of my support for my internship with EMI!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited to share that with all of you! I received a support update in early December that I was around 80%, and then did not have any updates for a few weeks due to the holidays. This past Friday, I got the update that showed I was over 100% in support! Thank you SO MUCH for taking part in this adventure EMI (Engineering Ministries International) is sending me on! I am so overwhelmed by your support, prayers, and encouraging notes/emails/calls! Raising support for this volunteer experience has been such a blessing from both you and the Lord!
In the last few weeks, life has been a little different for me. I have slowed down A LOT from my typical busy college lifestyle. I moved out of my sweet Lawrence house and said goodbye to my wonderful roommates. Aside from moving my things to storage and preparing/packing for my adventure, I have not done much except spend quality time with loved ones. I have spent lots of time with my family (living with them has this effect), especially due to all of the special occasions and birthdays we celebrate this time of year. I already had to say goodbye to a few of my favorite aunties, and that is tough! And I know it is going to be especially hard to kiss little Saxton goodbye for 6 months!
This break has been a great chance to see friends, too! I've had my fair share of lunch, dinner, and work out dates to catch up with people. I have been praying that God has a good support system of people in Kampala ready for me, because I am going to miss everyone here! I am still counting on seeing quite a few people in my last few days this week.
The last few weeks have been a strange departure from my world of engineering. After my last final, I put away my calculator and all my codebooks and have not given them a second thought. Hopefully I will be able to get right back into the swing of using my engineering brain when I arrive in Kampala! I think I may need it there.
Training in Colorado Springs starts next Sunday, the 13th. I am so nervous/excited/ready! I leave leave for Uganda on the 21st! Yay!
You raised all of your support?! That's beyond incredible!!