Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thanks and Trust

I have not found the time to blog lately...I've been soaking up all the Uganda that I can these last few weeks. Precious last moments (for at least a while) with these precious friendships. But...

Mom and Dad arrive TOMORROW. I am giddy.

I leave Uganda 1 week from tomorrow. I am a mess.

What do I do with the emotions? I find myself in a wickedly vicious emotional swing...full of sorrow or full or joy. How would the Lord have me handle these thoughts, feelings, and actions? How am I to respond?

Jesus Calling, July 7th:
TRUST ME IN ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. I know that some thoughts are unconscious or semi-conscious, and I do not hold you responsible for those. But you can direct conscious thoughts much more than you  may realize. Practice thinking in certain ways- trusting Me, thanking Me- and those thoughts become more natural. Reject negative or sinful thoughts as soon as you become aware of them. Don't try to hide them from Me; confess them and leave them with Me. Go on your way lightheartedly. This method of controlling your thoughts will keep your mind in My Presence your feet on the path of Peace.

That's it. Thanks and Trust. When I am overwhelmed with joy (for my parents arrival, for a great time with friends here, for the blessing of a sweet child's smile...), I am meant to turn that joy into joy for the sake of Christ. Enjoyment is not an end in itself. Enjoyment is a means to the end of glorifying God. When I am overwhelmed with fears or sorrow (for leaving this place I love, for missing people, for reverse culture shock...), I am meant to turn that negative emotion into something that will glorify my God. Trusting Him and resting in His goodness. Rejoicing in the way suffering produces righteousness and draws me to His arms.

Mom and Dad arrive TOMORROW. I am giddy. I am thankful.

I leave Uganda 1 week from tomorrow. I am a mess. I must trust.

Thanks for listening.

PS- I can't WAIT to see you back home!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your time there is up already. That went sooo fast! I am so glad that your parents get to come visit you there. What awesome parents you have. But we already knew that. Love you and can't wait to see you!
