Friday, February 22, 2013

Honeymoon's Over

Thanks to our dear friend: Giardia. He is a little parasite that I am not going to tell you any more about because he is mean and gross. Something I ate or drank introduced me to him. I have been mildly sick the last two days and today he has taken me out of the game completely. Literally flat on my back all day. Thankfully I have plenty of meds and I expect our relationship to end soon.

BUT- otherwise the post title isn't really true. I still love it here and wouldn't be anywhere else. And just to prove it, here is a photo of my beautiful sunrise this morning and then one of the Nsambya kids, that I love, playing yesterday afternoon.

Also, at home right now there is some ridiculous amount of snow- and I'm so thankful not to deal with that! Bring on the sun, equator!


1 comment:

  1. Sammy, I love your heart and ability to see the wonderful things happening. Seeing the strengths in the midst of difficulties.

    Being sick for 2 hours or 2 weeks just sucks, so I am glad you have plenty of medication and can get it knocked out soon!
